The DEDICATION of every single one of these MOVERS and SHAKERS ensure that NFC’s collective wheels keeps delivering healthy local food to you every other week. Show them your appreciation the next time you see them!
President: Randy Wattermann
Vice President: Stephanie Kennedy
Secretary: Liz Sarno
Treasurer: Jeremiah Picard
Chief Information Officer: Roy Guisinger
Board Members: Bob Bernt, Libby Broekemeier, Jim Knopik, Lanette Stec
Advisory Committee Members: Frannie Bruening, Laura Chisholm, Gary Fehr, Rebecka Fleischman, Liz Frombgen, Brynn Jacobs, Luke Jacobsen, Jeff Kazor, John Johnson, Beth Kernes Krause, Brian O’Malley, Katie Wattermann
Site Coordinators: Adam Hoogeveen, Shelly Grimm, Beth Farleigh, Beth Kernes Krause, Bruce Reneaud, Libby Broekemeier, Al Mittan, Tammy Kuper, Jill Hansen, Heidi Slaymaker, Francine Bruening, Paul Verderfecht, Yvonne Wilder, Sandi Hohn, Randy Wattermann, William Powers, Susan Stoppkotte, Lanette Stec, Phyllis Randall, Danna Seevers, Laura Chisholm, Catherine Renshaw
Logistics Coordinator: Beth Kernes Krause
Delivery Driver: Kevin Krause
General Manager: Caryl Guisinger