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Grains, Flours and Pastas Whole Grains

Grain Place Foods, Inc.

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2253 19 Barley, Hulled
$5.95 per bag 2# Certified Organic refrigerated
Barley has an historical reputation for building strength. Gladiators of the Roman Empire were called hordearii (barley-men), because barley was the staple of their training diet. The fiber content in barley, especially the cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber beta-glucan, makes this versatile grain an essential part of the health conscious consumer's diet. The flavor and texture of cooked barley makes it an excellent addition to soups and stews.
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2254 18 Barley, Hulled
$12.31 per bag (5 lbs) Certified Organic refrigerated
Barley has an historical reputation for building strength. Gladiators of the Roman Empire were called hordearii (barley-men), because barley was the staple of their training diet. The fiber content in barley, especially the cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber beta-glucan, makes this versatile grain an essential part of the health conscious consumer's diet. The flavor and texture of cooked barley makes it an excellent addition to soups and stews.
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2255 9 Barley, Hulled
$46.68 per bag (25#) Certified Organic non-refrigerated
Barley has an historical reputation for building strength. Gladiators of the Roman Empire were called hordearii (barley-men), because barley was the staple of their training diet. A tonic made by soaking barley in water has been used in folk medicine to treat patients during convalescence. The fiber content in barley, especially the cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber beta-glucan, makes this versatile grain an excellent addition to the health conscious consumer's diet.
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8374 5 Corn Meal
$7.63 per bag (1.75lb) Certified Organic non-refrigerated
1.75 lbs. of corn meal
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4817 12 eBarley, Hull-less
$7.42 per bag (2#) Certified Organic refrigerated
eBarley is an ancient grain hull-less variety. This Hull-less barley or "naked barley" has an outer hull that's loosely attached to the kernel so it generally falls off during harvesting. This form of barley likely has slightly higher fiber content because it requires less processing. Use hull-less barley as you would hulled barley.
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8422 2 eBarley, Hull-less
$45.63 per bag (25#) Certified Organic refrigerated
eBarley is an ancient grain hull-less variety. This Hull-less barley or "naked barley" has an outer hull that's loosely attached to the kernel so it generally falls off during harvesting. This form of barley likely has slightly higher fiber content because it requires less processing. Use hull-less barley as you would hulled barley.
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1963 19 Hard Red Wheat
$52.17 per bag (25lb) Certified Organic refrigerated
These are unprocessed whole wheat kernels. Grind for flour, or use cooked wheat as you would other whole grains: in casseroles, pilaf, breakfast porridge, soups and stews, and added to breads.
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1964 19 Hard Red Wheat
$105.37 per bag (50lb) Certified Organic refrigerated
These are unprocessed whole wheat kernels. Grind for flour, or use cooked wheat as you would other whole grains: in casseroles, pilaf, breakfast porridge, soups and stews, and added to breads.
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2435 20 Hard Red Wheat
$8.11 per bag 2# Certified Organic refrigerated
Wheat berries are unprocessed whole wheat kernels. Grind for flour, or use cooked wheat berries as you would other whole grains: in casseroles, pilaf, breakfast porridge, soups and stews, and added to breads.
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2433 11 Hard White Wheat
$5.77 per (2 lbs. bag) Certified Organic non-refrigerated
These are unprocessed whole wheat kernels. Grind for flour, or use cooked wheat as you would other whole grains, in casseroles, pilaf, breakfast porridge, soups and stews, and added to breads.
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2434 16 Hard White Wheat
$22.35 per bag (25lb) Certified Organic non-refrigerated
These are unprocessed whole wheat kernels. Grind for flour or use cooked wheat as you would other whole grains, in casseroles, pilaf, breakfast porridge, soups and stews, and added to breads.
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6584 6 Kamut Brand Khorasan Wheat
$71.15 per bag (25lb) Certified Organic non-refrigerated
Whole Kamut Brand Khorasan Wheat, 25 lb. bag.
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1967 19 Kamut(R) Khorasan Wheat
$9.13 per bag (2 lb) Certified Organic refrigerated
An ancient relative of durum wheat. It is similar (many claim superior) in flavor and texture to common wheat, considered easier to digest, and is used successfully as a common wheat substitute. Contains less gluten than common wheat. Grind for flour, or use cooked as you would other whole grains in casseroles, pilaf, breakfast porridge, soups and stews, and added to breads.
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3101 9 Long Grain Brown Rice
$10.56 per bag (2#) Certified Organic non-refrigerated
Rice is the third most important cereal grain in the world, after wheat and corn. It originated in Asia, and most of the world's rice is still grown there. Rice supplies up to half the daily calories of half the world's population. And unlike many other grains, rice is grown almost exclusively for human consumption. Brown rice is a whole grain food, with only the inedible outer hull of the rice kernel removed, retaining the bran and germ and thus its many nutrients.
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3103 5 Long Grain Brown Rice
$21.41 per bag (5 lbs) Certified Organic non-refrigerated
Rice is the third most important cereal grain in the world, after wheat and corn. It originated in Asia, and most of the world's rice is still grown there. Rice supplies up to half the daily calories of half the world's population. And unlike many other grains, rice is grown almost exclusively for human consumption. Brown rice is a whole grain food, with only the inedible outer hull of the rice kernel removed, retaining the bran and germ and thus its many nutrients.
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2825 16 Millet, Hulled (White Proso)
$7.93 per bag 2# Certified Organic refrigerated
Millet is thought to have originated in North Africa, where it has been consumed since prehistoric times, and is still a dietary staple. The African flatbread injera is made from ground millet, as is the Indian roti. This tiny, sweet-tasting round grain has recently gained popularity as an alternative to rice as a side dish or in soups and casseroles.
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3113 6 Quinoa
$30.90 per bag 4# Certified Organic non-refrigerated
Quinoa (prounced KEEN-wah) has attained "superfood" status in the U.S. It is not actually a grain, rather, it is related to spinach and chard. Its tiny seeds provide complete protein with the best amino acid profile of any grain. And a great advantage: cooking time is only ten minutes! Use as you would use rice.
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8237 4 Quinoa
$14.86 per bag (1.75 lb) Certified Organic non-refrigerated
Quinoa (prounced KEEN-wah) has attained "superfood" status in the U.S. It is not actually a grain, rather, it is related to spinach and chard. Its tiny seeds provide complete protein with the best amino acid profile of any grain. And a great advantage: cooking time is only ten minutes! Use as you would use rice.
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3164 13 Rye
$30.71 per bag (25lb) Certified Organic refrigerated
Rye is a wheat relative known especially for the distinctive, hearty flavor it imparts to traditional rye and pumpernickel breads. Rye berries are the grain of rye with only the hull removed, and can be used to make flour, or cooked and used in casseroles, soups, stews and breads.
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1970 14 Spelt, Hulled
$8.33 per bag 2# Certified Organic refrigerated
An ancient and distant cousin of common wheat, spelt can be used just as you would use wheat. Spelt has a slightly nuttier and sweeter flavor, is higher in protein, fiber and B vitamins, and is more easily digested.
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1972 11 Spelt, Hulled
$57.25 per bag (25lb) Certified Organic refrigerated
An ancient and distant cousin of common wheat, spelt can be used just as you would use wheat. Spelt has a slightly nuttier and sweeter flavor, is higher in protein, fiber and B vitamins, and is more easily digested.
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